Life is so unpredictable, they say.
At this moment, I can't agree more....
For those unaware, I was robbed on Sunday night.
I was travelling with my 2 Canadian roomates from Abruri Gardens here in Accra back to where we used to stay in East Legon (I moved closer to work (Osu) on Sunday as well) and had to pass through an unsafe area (that I was obviously not aware of at the time).
A drunk man and his cohorts distracted me as I was boarding the taxi to get home as there was a rush to board (this is how they operate) and he slit my bag open with a razor/switchblade and stole $1,000 CDN worth of my belongings... my camera, memory cards, cell phone, $ among other things.
I reported it to the police that night, and went to follow-up the next day, and was advised to 'take matters into my own hands' in trying to catch them! At least I can have the clarity in my mind of not having raised any alarms at the time, as the men (if caught) surely could have been lynched on the spot if I had made a big issue of it at the time. There was a reason for the way it all unfolded that night I am coming to learn...
I however can take many lessons/blessings from this experience...
I was not injured in any way physically. I am grateful to not have had my back slit open along with my bag that night. Amen for that.
Emotionally though, I am still quite shaken by the whole event as anyone who has been robbed before, would know. But I am trying to take comfort in believing that those robbers needed the $ they will collect from my belongings, more than I needed/miss my precious pictures/memories on my camera of my life since arriving here in Ghana in July.
Another blessing/hardship from that night, is that I again (as so many of you know, I did so often while in South Africa) was walking in the company of angels that night.
Though I of course accredited it to Dad, or my friend Katie, Wendell or Rosemary... I learned last night it was an angel who has just 'gotten her wings' I'm sure.
Close friend/former Professor Robynne Neugebauer that I met throughout my degree program while at Carleton University passed away Sept. 8 I was informed by best friend, Shannon last night by email. She had been trying to contact me on my cell phone which was stolen Sun. night from me, and had to email me this devastating news instead.
Let me share a bit about this inspiring woman I came to call my 'friend'...
As fate would have it, I was taking a class of hers my last year (when Dad died) in Racism and the Criminal Justice System. I had heard a lot about her and the leniant, tolerant way she taught her classes, so I thought it best for me to take on such a refreshing idealism from a new face.
Then Dad fell sick that same year, & she supported me more than I had ever expected a Professor to do-- (even though Professor Blair Rutherford acted in the same manner... a double blessing!). She was always so quick to offer me extensions, deferrals--- anything to make my load lighter. Then when it came to my graduation day back in June 2004, and she emailed me asking if she would be able to meet this 'special Dad of mine'...
Dad of course was too sick to attend so I went alone with my cousin's then fiance- now wife, Marilyn. Though it was hard not to have my own family there, Marilyn and her Mom were so supportive and wonderful to me and how grateful am I they attended!
When I told Robynne about Dad being unable to attend, she wrote to me, 'no problem... I'LL be there to congratulate you, Jody!' I was shocked a Professor would do such a thing on one of the hottest, Saturday mornings in June!
but there she was...
Looking beautiful in her red and black gown with her notoriously-known, red hair.... what a sight for my sore, exhausted eyes I promise you.
So she handed me my diploma with my other Professor and talked to me afterwards. Robynne told me how proud she was for all I had accomplished under such pressure and how proud Dad must be too that I saw his dream come to fruition. I still have the photo's of she and I from that day back home in Canada.
From then on, we frequently kept in touch and Robynne never hesitated in being the first one to email me as I progressed through my challenges and desires to leave volatile South Africa. She inspired me all the time... just by the way she lived her life. She was a strong, resilient, inspiring and brilliant woman who fought for what was right and just. I know a good part of my own strong ethics comes from the countless stories she recounted to us as her pupils, in fighting for what is deserved to every child of God-- regardless of race, creed or otherwise.
If I can manage to leave a fraction of the mark that she has left here on earth, I will do just fine I know.
So this brings me back to my unfortunate situation that occured on Sunday night.
I was wondering why she was not replying to my email (she was usually the first to reply to anything I sent out-- to continue encouraging me to do what she called 'God's work') about being robbed.
Now I know why....
And I know it is only death that would have prevented her from reaching out to me... she felt this way I guess about most who crossed paths with her in life.
But I am sure that she was right there with me-- which is why I can manage to type this to you today...
Just as I have always been able to rely on her, with nothing attached to it but the act itself-- Robynne I am sure was right there with me the night I as robbed... guiding me safely into the taxi... unharmed, but robbed of some material things....
material things we can't take with us to heaven anyway. A lesson she knows now all too well.
I ask that my reader's keep her husband, Fareed Khan and her family in your prayers today... and beyond. My Dad was too young to die at 57, and now Robynne too at just 47...
it's just too young. The light she radiated while here on earth will never dim...
Life is so short my dear friends and family, which is why it can't be reiterated to us more than enough to make every, single day count in living your life as a son/daughter of God. A chosen one at that...
never live unconscious of that.
Sending you my love,
To read more on Robynne's accomplishments, go to: http://www.charlatan.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=285&Itemid=148
At this moment, I can't agree more....
For those unaware, I was robbed on Sunday night.
I was travelling with my 2 Canadian roomates from Abruri Gardens here in Accra back to where we used to stay in East Legon (I moved closer to work (Osu) on Sunday as well) and had to pass through an unsafe area (that I was obviously not aware of at the time).
A drunk man and his cohorts distracted me as I was boarding the taxi to get home as there was a rush to board (this is how they operate) and he slit my bag open with a razor/switchblade and stole $1,000 CDN worth of my belongings... my camera, memory cards, cell phone, $ among other things.
I reported it to the police that night, and went to follow-up the next day, and was advised to 'take matters into my own hands' in trying to catch them! At least I can have the clarity in my mind of not having raised any alarms at the time, as the men (if caught) surely could have been lynched on the spot if I had made a big issue of it at the time. There was a reason for the way it all unfolded that night I am coming to learn...
I however can take many lessons/blessings from this experience...
I was not injured in any way physically. I am grateful to not have had my back slit open along with my bag that night. Amen for that.
Emotionally though, I am still quite shaken by the whole event as anyone who has been robbed before, would know. But I am trying to take comfort in believing that those robbers needed the $ they will collect from my belongings, more than I needed/miss my precious pictures/memories on my camera of my life since arriving here in Ghana in July.
Another blessing/hardship from that night, is that I again (as so many of you know, I did so often while in South Africa) was walking in the company of angels that night.
Though I of course accredited it to Dad, or my friend Katie, Wendell or Rosemary... I learned last night it was an angel who has just 'gotten her wings' I'm sure.
Close friend/former Professor Robynne Neugebauer that I met throughout my degree program while at Carleton University passed away Sept. 8 I was informed by best friend, Shannon last night by email. She had been trying to contact me on my cell phone which was stolen Sun. night from me, and had to email me this devastating news instead.
Let me share a bit about this inspiring woman I came to call my 'friend'...
As fate would have it, I was taking a class of hers my last year (when Dad died) in Racism and the Criminal Justice System. I had heard a lot about her and the leniant, tolerant way she taught her classes, so I thought it best for me to take on such a refreshing idealism from a new face.
Then Dad fell sick that same year, & she supported me more than I had ever expected a Professor to do-- (even though Professor Blair Rutherford acted in the same manner... a double blessing!). She was always so quick to offer me extensions, deferrals--- anything to make my load lighter. Then when it came to my graduation day back in June 2004, and she emailed me asking if she would be able to meet this 'special Dad of mine'...
Dad of course was too sick to attend so I went alone with my cousin's then fiance- now wife, Marilyn. Though it was hard not to have my own family there, Marilyn and her Mom were so supportive and wonderful to me and how grateful am I they attended!
When I told Robynne about Dad being unable to attend, she wrote to me, 'no problem... I'LL be there to congratulate you, Jody!' I was shocked a Professor would do such a thing on one of the hottest, Saturday mornings in June!
but there she was...
Looking beautiful in her red and black gown with her notoriously-known, red hair.... what a sight for my sore, exhausted eyes I promise you.
So she handed me my diploma with my other Professor and talked to me afterwards. Robynne told me how proud she was for all I had accomplished under such pressure and how proud Dad must be too that I saw his dream come to fruition. I still have the photo's of she and I from that day back home in Canada.
From then on, we frequently kept in touch and Robynne never hesitated in being the first one to email me as I progressed through my challenges and desires to leave volatile South Africa. She inspired me all the time... just by the way she lived her life. She was a strong, resilient, inspiring and brilliant woman who fought for what was right and just. I know a good part of my own strong ethics comes from the countless stories she recounted to us as her pupils, in fighting for what is deserved to every child of God-- regardless of race, creed or otherwise.
If I can manage to leave a fraction of the mark that she has left here on earth, I will do just fine I know.
So this brings me back to my unfortunate situation that occured on Sunday night.
I was wondering why she was not replying to my email (she was usually the first to reply to anything I sent out-- to continue encouraging me to do what she called 'God's work') about being robbed.
Now I know why....
And I know it is only death that would have prevented her from reaching out to me... she felt this way I guess about most who crossed paths with her in life.
But I am sure that she was right there with me-- which is why I can manage to type this to you today...
Just as I have always been able to rely on her, with nothing attached to it but the act itself-- Robynne I am sure was right there with me the night I as robbed... guiding me safely into the taxi... unharmed, but robbed of some material things....
material things we can't take with us to heaven anyway. A lesson she knows now all too well.
I ask that my reader's keep her husband, Fareed Khan and her family in your prayers today... and beyond. My Dad was too young to die at 57, and now Robynne too at just 47...
it's just too young. The light she radiated while here on earth will never dim...
Life is so short my dear friends and family, which is why it can't be reiterated to us more than enough to make every, single day count in living your life as a son/daughter of God. A chosen one at that...
never live unconscious of that.
Sending you my love,
To read more on Robynne's accomplishments, go to: http://www.charlatan.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=285&Itemid=148
Hi Jody
Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, please accept our sympathy. Hope you are feeling better and that life is good.
take care
love Elaine and Hank and family
Oh Jody - I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. 47 years old is definitely too young. And I'm so sorry that you were robbed! I'll write more on a personal note on that soon...
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